Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dreaded Shower

Just messing around with a rainy cellphone photo from the canyon. Started off going for something realistic and decided I wasn't having much fun, so I went more stylized and swirly.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

TOPIC: Forsaken Crystal

Just waiting for some activity before posting another topic. Difficult weird topics tend to encourage thinking outside the box, but topics like this with inherent visuals attached to them tend to create more interest, possibly :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Flaming Iron

For this topic, I imagined a land in which it is forbidden to bend or forge metal, due to the evil Warlord's fear of an uprising of the common folk.

However, unbeknownst to the Warlord, a lone young peasant, late in the dark of night, hidden in a secret forge deep in the forest or somewhere, has begun creating weapons to overthrow him.

Yadda, yadda . . . there's probably something about a prophecy and the alignment of stars and planets, or the color of the sea in there too. . .

I hope everything's going well guys.  I wanted to spend a little more time on this one and make it special.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

TOPIC: Flaming Iron

Really, I guess we can stop saying, "good for 2 weeks". I'm simply adding to the pile of topics every 2 weeks. Feel free to post for older topics as well; they have no expiration date.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dusty Backpack Shark - Land Shark

Hat was supposed to read 'Dusty', but I don't think I'm going to bother texturing it - that's as far as it goes. Sorry for the small render size. Built it as I went so didn't really anticipate how it would render. 

Burger bait was supposed to be a human; but, I guess that's more work than I was willing to do.
Is what it is. Chalk it up to practice.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Rebel Logbook - Mementos

Still working on the shark, but here's a quickie for Rebel Logbook. Some sketches of characters from one of my favorite TV shows, Dexter. Little Chino, Dexter, and . . . a would-be spoiler. Serial killers and their mementos may tell a fairly gruesome story.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Rebel Logbook - The Important Stuff

He's got something important to say, and he's writing it for the world to see. . .

Monday, June 30, 2014

Dusty Backpack Shark - Adventurers

(click on the picture to see it bigger)

I decided to do something a little different with this topic and take each word and make it into a different character.

Dustii, Xahrc, & Bcpc are a team of interstellar treasure hunters and salvagers.  Whether extracting dangerous sub-nucleonic warhead devices from asteroids, drilling to the core of long-expired diamond filled stars, or braving the wrecks of massive, radioactive flooded space hulks, the daily lives of these three adventurers are never dull.

From left to right:

Dustii:  The leader of the group.  She is high-spirited, adventurous, and sometimes (well, mostly) wreckless - jumping into situations or taking on freelance tasks often without fully thinking things through.

Xahrc:  The team's childlike and simple minded autonomous multi-morph robotic drilling platform which also can transform into vehicles for land, sea, and short range space travel.  

Bcpc:  An alien of unknown origin (resembling a cross between a crab, tortoise, and sloth). Jittery, often nervous, and maybe a little paranoid, this creature serves as the teams pack mule, carrying all the teams equipment and supplies atop his broad flat top shell.   Quite dangerous when cornered or enraged, his long claws are more suitable for digging or climbing.  'Bcpc' is the closest sound the human voice can make to pronouncing the name of this creature who speaks little of his past in a clicking, rasping dialect. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

TOPIC: Rebel Logbook

(good for 2 weeks)
-Now it's someone else's turn to come up with topics for a month or two.  :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dancing Leather Scarecrow

I guess leather to me says bikers, so I made a biker club patch, of sorts. Super phony, pulled symbols/ideas off of found posters, but it was fun to try out the art form.

Had more I wanted to do and I'll update it if I get to it; but, there ya go.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Robo Toothbrush

Toothfairy mech? (Toothfairy not included.)
Here are the answers to possible questions: 
*shrug*, "hell if I know", and "your guess is as good as mine."

TOPIC: Dancing Leather Scarecrow

(good for 2 weeks)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Robo Toothbrush - Minty Freshness

You may have forgotten how fresh your mouth felt the day after you put a tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Empty Neptune & Western Vampire

First ones are the Planet Suckers leaving dead planets in their wake. Not sold on where it ended up so I had some fun with it in Maya to make it somewhat stained-glassy. Then, some images of where I ended up with the Western Vampire.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Small Dinosaur

So I went with "Tiny Dino" instead or "Small Dinosaur"...I'm a bad person, I know.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Frozen Vegetable

Been playing some Guacamelee, so . . . tried the style. It's a tomato and carrot. In my world, tomato is a vegetable. I'm not a big fan of veggies, and I'm not a fan of tomatoes, so they must be vegetables.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

TOPIC: Frozen Vegetable

Thanks for all those that have been submitting, most excellent as usual! Next topic, "Frozen Vegetable" (good for 2 weeks).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Theory of Relativity? - Is it a big hand or a small dinosaur?

Working on some hand studies and decided to throw some dinosaurs in because . . . why not?
Brush inked; shaded with diluted ink; one is a watercolor, the rest are colored digitally.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

TOPIC - Small Dinosaur

Thanks for all those that have posted, excellent works! We can go 2 weeks per topic if that works better for everyone. Also if you still want to post for a previous topic feel free.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obscure Mutant - What're you lookin' at!?

Wanting to work on my vampire some more, so here's this silly somewhat quick concept. 
Tried inking with a brush this time; tough stuff.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bad night for a stroll...

Day Walker!

Unfortunately things are a bit too busy for me, but I figured that a quick sketch wouldn't hurt :P

Sunday, March 9, 2014

TOPIC: Western Vampire

Howdy partners, next topics is "Western Vampire".

Discarded comic

Never been too big a fan of posting works created from other peoples' properties, but I needed to use established 'comics' to sell the idea. Call it fan art for the latest Batman Black & White comic series - full of miniature stories that don't always follow the usual (above) formula. All characters property of DC comics; here's my take on them. pens, marker, Photoshop.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

TOPIC: Discarded Comic - 2 week topic

Next topic is "Discarded Comic", bonus points if you can make it into a comic strip. Keeping this topic up a little longer for next week.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Kreature is Helpless

Tainted Dream - Dream Mates

How does this image pertain? Long story short . . . they're teammates working for Sweet Dreams Inc. (or something); a dangerous job with lousy benefits. On the bright side, PJs are part of the mandatory uniform so . . . meh. If our topic generator pumps out Construction Grade Bunny Boots, I'll have a free week.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

TOPIC: Helpless Creature

Great work on the last topic! Now on to the next - "Helpless Creature".

Saturday, February 8, 2014

TOPIC: Tainted Dream

Thanks to all those that submitted art for the last topic, amazing stuff! I was going to post the next topic on Sunday, but since pretty much everyone has posted, I figured I'd post the new one today to get the creative energies flowing. Again if you want to post for any previous topics feel free. So next topic is "Tainted Dream". Good luck.

Friday, February 7, 2014


If you see something you don't like, anything that could be better, always feel free to mention it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

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